Thursday, May 14, 2009

CRM and the Elusive Communications

Over my years of experience in the business world, the prevailing concern virtually every business I have had the honor to engage with has been the lack or poor communication streams within the business.

Why is that the case? Let's face it, we all like to talk, so why is communication an issue?

A thought I have is that although we like to talk, we rarely like to listen! When we listen, we are not in control...or so we think. In reality, when we sit back and listen, we control through the silence and contemplative nature of our listening. Try it sometime, you may come to realize, as I have, that listening is more powerful than talking.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, "It's better to not speak and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Try it for a week and see how much more you get out of a conversation.

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